Position Statements

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These publications have been written by the NPPG Executive Committee and are intended for guidance purposes only, for consideration in conjunction with the reader’s own professional knowledge and clinical judgement, the circumstances of the individual patient and all relevant pharmaceutical and healthcare literature and guidelines, or following and in conjunction with consultation with a qualified medical professional. While care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, and it was produced following careful consideration of the evidence then reasonably available, NPPG does not accept any liability for any error or omission.

NPPG excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied, any obligation of effectiveness or accuracy and any liability, arising in contract, tort or otherwise, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred in connection with this publication.

Nothing in these publications constitutes legal or medical advice and it cannot be relied upon as such.

The publications may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the NPPG Executive Committee and should not be used by any person for personal, commercial, marketing or promotional purposes.