The use of Calcium and Phosphate supplementation in neonates and children.

Updated July 2024 to include information on potassium supplementation

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that NPPG has published a position statement on the use of Calcium and Phosphate supplementation in neonates and children. This has been written in response to the fact that there are currently no licensed oral liquid calcium or phosphate products available in the UK.

As so often in paediatrics, we have to choose a pragmatic approach and are utilising available licensed dosage forms off label to allow administration of the required dose. In the case of effervescent tablets, this can be particularly error prone and the position statement provides a practical guide to support this being done as safely as possible.

We would very much welcome the development of licensed oral calcium and phosphate solutions. In the meantime, however, I hope the information provided here will serve as a useful guide.

Best wishes, Nanna Christiansen, Chair, NPPG

Additional resources are available to support the implementation of recommendations within this Position Statement: