Standard concentration infusions: Peripheral inotropes

I am excited to announce the latest publication by the NPPG PCC subgroup on the use of peripheral inotropes using standard concentrations.

NPPG and PCCS are strongly supportive of the move towards standardised concentration infusions. This publication includes standardised concentrations for noradrenaline and adrenaline when they are to be given via the peripheral route. Individual PICUs and Paediatric Critical Care Transport services are encouraged to implement these recommended concentrations locally, though it is recognised that this may take time and in some cases investment to achieve, and so may not be immediately possible. Work is ongoing at a national level to drive forward the broader standardisation agenda, including engaging with commissioners regarding the investment which is likely to be needed.

I am sure you will find this publication helpful in providing information to guide your local practice.

Mohammed Abou Daya, NPPG PCC Subgroup Chair