Chloe Benn, Consultant Pharmacist Paediatrics; Barts Health MFRPSII
I have specialised in paediatrics and also women’s health for the majority of my career; taking up the post of consultant pharmacist at Barts Health in February 2019 and previously as lead for Women’s & Children’s services at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust 2007-2019
I joined the NPPG committee in November 2012 and lead the Education and Training sub-group. In 2018 lading the update of the annual Starting Out in Children’s Medicines Optimisation study day & launching the associated supported professional development program.
Other activities include:
- Representing NPPG at RPS affiliate partners meetings contributing to development of joint projects such as curricula & National Training Programmes
- Leading update of NPPG Professional curricula for paediatrics
- NPPG annual conference -assessment of presented work for award of prizes, delivered workshops on Faculty & APF portfolio development
- 2013 NPPG London conference organising committee, setting conference program & speakers.
I was Co-chair of the London Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacist Group (2011- 2015)
In 2013 I was seconded to help support the launch the RPS Faculty and contributed to the review of the Advanced Pharmacy Framework, the development of the Advanced Practice Portfolio and the associated handbooks and support tools.
In 2014 I completed the RPS Faculty assessment and was awarded Faculty Membership at Advanced Stage 2; since then I have mentored & supported several colleagues & peers through their own Faculty Journeys.
In 2014 I published Optimising medicines for children- considerations for clinical pharmacists Benn C. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2014; 21:350-354