Special Interest Groups
The NPPG wishes to support the set up and activities of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on behalf of it’s members. The purpose of these groups is to help facilitate appropriate and efficient use of medicines and pharmaceutical care in the neonatal and paediatric population. In order to be recognised as a SIG they must have a nominated chair, Terms of Reference (in line with the aims of the NPPG) and a listed membership comprising a minimum of twenty NPPG members.
- Financial or secretarial support may be requested from the NPPG to support SIGs for meetings, projects or study days (all referred to from this point on as “activities”).
- SIG chairs must contact the NPPG Professional Secretary (on behalf of the NPPG Committee) early on in the planning phase of any activity with the title, learning objectives, venue, date, sponsors, delegate numbers and financial plan.
- The Committee will ensure that the activity is in line with the NPPG objectives and that the content, sponsors, venue, date are in keeping with the ethos of the NPPG.
- All learning activities should be submitted to NPPG for accreditation.
- Events should be budgeted with a financial plan and aim to break even. The NPPG will underwrite the financial plans of study days run under their logo.
- A short activity report should be sent to the NPPG Committee within 3 months of the event. This will be shared with the full NPPG Committee and edited for inclusion in the relevant section of the website.
- The NPPG has access to administrative staff who will be able to support organisers with their events. Support can come in the form of advertising, contacting speakers, room and catering booking, organising feedback forms, photocopying handouts etc.
- There is an allocated budget of £2000/annum total assigned to support NPPG SIGs. Large projects with greater budgets will be considered on an individual basis.
- Full activity plans must be signed off by the NPPG committee prior to guaranteed NPPG support.
- Activities must have a time frame for completion.
- Prolonged activities may have time factored payments agreed.
- Proof of expenditure will be required wherever possible or substantive invoices presented.